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Showing posts with label Everything else. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everything else. Show all posts

How to align videos to centre in the sidebars

Monday, January 21, 2013  at 4:57 PM 0 comments
When you first start adding content to your template you will find that videos, in particular, may not be displayed centrally in the widget. Or, if you already have videos on your blog, they may be thrown to the left within the widget. So, you might want to realign the videos so they are centered in the middle of the widget. This is one of the easiest things to do actually. All you do is add the <center> and </center> tags into the videos widget itself.

A typical embedded video code will look like this:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="167" height="154" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

For two or more videos I add the <p> and </p> closing tag between each video, to give a line space between each video, like so:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="167" height="154" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="167" height="154" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Once you have added all the videos you want in the videos widget, you simply add the <center> tag at the very beginning of all the video code, and </center> at the very end of all the video code. The end result will look like this:

<center><iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="167" height="154" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="167" height="154" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

If you don't want to get confused you can place the <center> and </center> tags on new lines by themselves. By doing so it does not affect the other code any differently, and the end result will still be exactly the same as if you put them on the same lines as the video code itself.

This usually works for centrally aligning most other widgets too. You can add the <center> and </center> tags to things like feedjit widgets, embedded images, clocks, and to some search bars, for example. Give it a try and see what works and what doesn't.

How to add a Youtube video as a post comment on Blogger

Thursday, September 20, 2012  at 7:02 PM 6 comments
Have you ever wanted someone to be able to add a Youtube video to your own blog in response to a post you wrote about but don't know how to do it? Well now you can in three easy steps. Today I will show you how to do that.

There are a lot of tutorials out there already on how to do this but I found all of them do not display an actual Youtube video as a comment. I had to do a lot of digging around the Internet, and eventually I came across a post on how to do it but it was written in Burmese, on a blog in Mynmar. I can't read Burmese, so I opted to study that Burmese blog's "View Source" page, and I found the following lot of code in it. I added the code to one of my blogs and it worked the first time. Mind you I also had to figure out how to get the Youtube video to actually display because typing in [youtube=the-video-url-goes-here] simply did not work.

However, despite the fact this is a really easy tutorial and it works on newly created blogs, as well as most existing blogs, sometimes the code will not display a video on a blog that has a customised template. Why this happens I do not know. I am still trying to figure that out and trying to get the video comments to display on my other blog Birds of Tenterfield, NSW, Australia. It may have something to do with various scripts clashing or the template itself (of your blog) may have too much code in it. But generally this code will work on the very first attempt when you add it to your blog's template. If it doesn't, and you have followed the instructions below carefully, then you have a problem just like I do with my other blog.

LIVE-DEMO = This site has the code added to it, so if you'd like to test it out add a Youtube video in as a comment to this post. Please keep the video comments respectable and please don't add any graphic or advertising videos. Thanks!


STEP 1: Go to your "Edit Template" to start editing it and find the opening head tag <head>. Directly below it, on the next line, copy and paste in the following code:

<script src=''/>
<SCRIPT src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Embed youtube videos in Blogspot comments by MS-potilas 2012.
// See //
// if oetag=0, just use video urls like:
// surrounded by white space (video tag can be used, too)
// if oetag=1 (for nerdy blogs?), use syntax:
// [video=]
// config:
var oetag = 0; // see above
var oetagname = "video"; // [video=zzz], maybe you like "embed" or "youtube" more?
var oelazy = -1; // -1 detect, 0 = normal, 1 = lazy (needs lazy load hack)
function oe_loadscript(filename) {
var scr=document.createElement('script');

function oe_jumptohash() { // reposition to anchor
window.scrollTo(0, $("#"+window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, "")).offset().top);

var oe_tid;
var oe_elems = {};
function oembed_callback(response) {
var resp = response;
revurl = resp.url.split("").reverse().join("");
html = oe_elems[response.callID].html();
ee = $(resp.html);
w = parseInt(ee.attr("width"));
h = parseInt(ee.attr("height"));
if(oelazy==1) { // convert to lazy load
src = ee.attr("src");
src += ((src.indexOf("?")==-1) ? "?" : "&") + "autoplay=1";
ee.attr("src", src);
ee.attr("style", "vertical-align:top;");
htm = $("<div/>").append(ee).html();
htm = $('<div/>').text(htm).html().replace(/"/g,'"');
resp.html = '<a href="'+resp.url+'" class="youtube-lazy-link" style="width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px; background: #000 url('+resp.thumbnail_url+') center center no-repeat;" onclick="$(this).replaceWith(\''+htm+'\');return false;"><div style="width:'+(w-4)+'px;height:'+(h-4)+'px;" class="youtube-lazy-link-div"></div><div class="youtube-lazy-link-info"><b>'+resp.title+(resp.playlist ? '</b> [playlist]' : '</b>')+'<br /><small>by '+resp.author_name+'</small></div></a>';

htmlx = html.replace("[" + oetagname + "="+resp.url+"]", " " + resp.url + " ");
htmlx = htmlx.replace("[" + oetagname + "="+resp.url+" ]", " " + resp.url + " ");
htmlx = htmlx.replace('"'+resp.url+'"', '"'+revurl+'"'); // trick to preserve href="url"
htmlx = htmlx.replace(resp.url, '<div style="height:'+h+'px;" class="oembed youtube">'+resp.html+'</div>')

htmlx = htmlx.replace('"'+revurl+'"', '"'+resp.url+'"'); // trick to preserve href="url"

if(html != htmlx) {

if(window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, "").length > 0) {

if(oe_tid) window.clearTimeout(oe_tid);
oe_tid = window.setTimeout("oe_jumptohash()", 1000);



function oembed_yt(url, width, callID) {

src = "" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&callback=oembed_callback&callID=" + encodeURIComponent(callID);
if(width) src = src + "&maxwidth=" + width + "&maxheight=" + width;

$(document).ready(function() {

det=$('<div class="youtube-lazy-link-div" />');
if(det.css("position")=="absolute") {

if(oelazy != 0) oelazy=1;

else oelazy = 0;
window.setTimeout(function() {

var callID=0;
$(".comment-content,.comment-body,.comment-body-author").each(function() {

html = $(this).html();
matches = html.match(new RegExp("\\["+oetagname+"=(https?:\\/\\/[^\\s<\\/]*youtu\\.*be[^\\]]+)", "g"));
matches = html.match(/([>\s^]|\[\w+=)(https?:\/\/[^\s<\/]*youtu\.*be[^\s<\]]+)/g);
if(matches && matches.length) {

for(var i=0;i<matches.length;i++) {

url = matches[i].match(/https?:\/\/[^\s<\/]*youtu\.*be[^\s<\]]+/);
oe_elems[callID] = $(this);
oembed_yt(url, $(this).width(), callID++);


}, 500);

Then click on "Save Template".

STEP 2: If you want to add the instructions for adding a Youtube video to your comments section, so visitors can see it all the time, then do the following:

On the same page (Edit HTML) click on the "Expand Widget Template" option box. Hit the "Ctrl" and then the "F" key on your keyboard and paste in this code in the search bar that pops up.

<b:includable id='comment-form' var='post'>
Scroll down a bit and locate:


Directly below that line of code copy and paste in this text below:

To add a Youtube video as a comment type in or copy and paste the code below and replace the video url text with the one you want to add as a comment.<br/>

STEP 3: Then in the search bar copy and paste in this line of code below in order to find it, if applicable:

<b:includable id='threaded-comment-form' var='post'>

Repeat STEP 2 to add the instructions below the <p><data:blogCommentMessage/></p>.

Save your template and you are done.

FOOTNOTE: If, when searching for <p><data:blogCommentMessage/></p> and you see two instances of them within each section along with two instances of an iframe embedded comment form, place the instructions (text) below the second instance of <p><data:blogCommentMessage/></p>.

Add colourful multicoloured link tabs as a widget to your blog

Friday, July 20, 2012  at 1:05 PM 0 comments
This widget did not take me long to create and it is best located across the entire width of your blog, just below your header for example. There are two parts to this code, the css code and the HTML code. As in the example below the header on this site, each background for each tab is coloured differently and each tab (when hovered over) has its own different background colour. You can also set a different font colour for each tab text when the tab is not hovered over.

Go to your dashboard, then design then edit template. Find in your template the ]]></b:skin> . Copy and paste the code below directly above the ]]></b:skin> .

----------------------------------------------- */
#coloredmenu {
margin:0 0 0 -10px;
#coloredmenu a {
#coloredmenu a:hover {

Click on "Save Template".

Then click on the Page Elements tab and click on an "Add a Gadget" link. Select a "HTML/Javascript" widget, then paste all the code below straight into the widget:

<div id='coloredmenu'>
<a href='#'><img src='' height='20px' style='margin-bottom:-5px;padding:2px 4px' /></a><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ff0000&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ff6600&quot;;' style='background-Color: #ff0000;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px' width='100%'>Home</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ff6000&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ffc000&quot;;' style='background-Color: #ff6600;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Info</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ffc000&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;yellow&quot;;' style='background-Color: #ffc000;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Notes</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;yellow&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#9fff00&quot;;' style='background-Color: yellow;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Notices</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#9fff00&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#3fff00&quot;;' style='background-Color: #9fff00;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Gallery</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#3fff00&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;lime&quot;;' style='background-Color: #3fff00;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Friends</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;lime&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#00ff60&quot;;' style='background-Color: lime;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Tutorials</span></a><a href='#'><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#00ff60&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#00ffc0&quot;;' style='background-Color: #00ff60;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>More</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#00ffc0&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;cyan&quot;;' style='background-Color: #00ffc0;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Home</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;cyan&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#00c0ff&quot;;' style='background-Color: cyan;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Ask</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#00c0ff&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#0060ff&quot;;' style='background-Color: #00c0ff;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Theme</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#0060ff&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;blue&quot;;' style='background-Color: #0060ff;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>FAQ</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;blue&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#551A8B&quot;;' style='background-Color: blue;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Submit</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#551A8B&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#6600cc&quot;;' style='background-Color: #551A8B;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Mine</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#6600cc&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#9f00ff&quot;;' style='background-Color: #6600cc;color:#D4A017; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Banners</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#9f00ff&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;magenta&quot;;' style='background-Color: #9f00ff;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Banner Info</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;magenta&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ff00c0&quot;;' style='background-Color: magenta;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Fansigns</span></a><a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ff00c0&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#CD1076&quot;;' style='background-Color: #ff00c0;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Codes &amp; Links</span></a><a href='#'><img src='' height='20px' style='margin-bottom:-5px;padding:2px' /></a><br />

Click the "Save" widget button and you are done, almost. Move the widget to below your header or to a place near the top of your blog that will allow the widget to use 100% of your blog's width. Click on "Save" at the top of the Design page.


For convenience's sake separate each lot of links with a line space when editing them. When finished editing the entire lot of code, remove all the line spaces. If confused = Check the bottom-most code I've added to this post to see the entire link code for each tab link.

In the last few lines of the code above (which is actually for one entire link) I have changed the colour of some of the code. In green, change the colour of the background to either another hex colour or a word (e.g. lime) but if you add a word for the colour remove the # symbol. This has to be done twice per link tab. In green, this colour is what your link tab will look like on your blog when you just look at the link tab without moving the mouse arrow anywhere. You need to add the new colour twice into the code because the code for each link has 3 function commands: a normal background color; a mouseover background colour; and a mouseout background colour. However, the order of which these 3 commands work in sequence is: normal background > mouseover background > mouseout background > normal background - again. You need the normal background colour to reset the link tab's background colour back to it's normal colour again, and that is why you have 2 lots of background colour just for the non-hovered over link tabs.

If you want to change the mouseover background colour then change the hex colour code in blue to whatever colour you want. This is only done once per link tab.

To change the text colour of each link change the hex colour in orange to whatever colour you want.

Lastly, to add an actual clickable link to each link tab, replace the # symbol in red with the url of the page you want the link to go to; and replace the text in red with the words you want to display for that link tab on your blog.

Click on "Save" and now you are done.

If by any chance you want to delete some of the tab links, or add more so the whole thing takes up 2 rows of tabs, then add or remove the code below for every link you want to remove or add. Say you want to remove 4 tab links from the code - then remove 4 lots of the code below. To add more tab links, copy and add the code as many times as you need them.

<a href="#"><span onmouseout='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#ff00c0&quot;' onmouseover='style.backgroundColor=&quot;#CD1076&quot;;' style='background-Color: #ff00c0;color:#000; margin-right:1px;padding:2px;'>Codes &amp; Links</span></a>

To give you an example of why the background colour for each tab link needs to be changed twice, click on this link to a previous post, and notice the original background colour to the widget at the top of the post. Then run your mouse arrow over the page links. What happens?

Add scrolling text to your blog

Monday, July 2, 2012  at 2:16 AM 1 comment
Scrolling text on a blog can be quite useful, especially if you want to alert your visitors to up-to-date news or information that they might want to hear about. It is often a good way of getting a message across to people that is easily distinguishable from all the written text on your blog. But often scrolling text can slow down your blog from loading and this can be a problem when you might have similar scrolling text or picture widgets, and a toolbar or two on your blog.

This particular scrolling text widget is searchable by Google, and probably other web search engines too.

There are lots and lots of scrolling text widgets available on the internet. I have found that most of them I came across were not customizable in any way or were of such poor quality that they actually slowed down my blog from loading, or would not scroll smoothly when the code was tweaked.

I got the marquee below from a website page on this site: but discovered once the marquee/scrolling text was created you can simply copy and paste the widget anywhere and it will work. The best thing about this scrolling text widget is it is fully customizable. You can add other bits of code to it and it will not be slowed down at all. I like to use this scrolling text widget a lot, and find it is the best one around that doesn't complicate things too much. It is easy to add information to, easy to customize and easy to add to your blog.

Here is the scrolling text code from with a bit extra code in it:

<marquee style="width:100%; height:20px; background:#ffffff; margin:0 0 0px 0px;" direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="4">Add all your text here!</marquee>

To add this scrolling text widget to your blog, click on the "Design" link on your homepage, then click on any "Add a gadget" and select a "HTML/Javascript" widget from the"basics" section. Then you simply copy the code above and paste it into a "HTML/Javascript" widget in the "Edit widget" section, enter the text you want then click on "save". Click on "save" on the "Page Elements" section too as you just added a new widget, and then view your blog again.

At any time, day or night, you can re-edit the scrolling text widget, and update the text to something else. You can also add a background image to the text, add animated gifs or pictures to the scrolling text widget, and give it a border, etc. This widget is not one of those widgets that once you have the code you cannot change the code to suit your tastes or blog design. This widget can be changed whenever it suits YOU!

You can also change the direction of the text by changing "left" to "right", "up", or  "down", change the height and width of the width itself, and basically tweak it as much as you like. Also, the speed of the text scrolling by can be changed too. The "scrollamount" controls the scrolling speed. "scrollamount="4"" is a medium speed for the text but if you want the text to go faster change "4" to a higher number, like "6", for example. If you want the text to go slower change the "4" to a "2" - any number between "0" and "3" actually. "0" (zero) is the slowest speed ever for the scrolling text to travel at.

FOOTNOTE: If you are adding an animated gif or image that is larger than 20px in height, you must change the height of the scrolling text widget to match the size of your image otherwise the scrolling text will be pushed below the widget's margin and you will not see the text at all.

This is what the marquee looks like. A marquee is another word for scrolling text. I have given this one a yellow background and have set the text to bold.

Problem with marquee. If you add a lot of text, as in the above example, a lot of the text at the end will be cut off. To solve this problem set the marquee with to a higher % width. In the marquee below I have set the width to 200% and all the text is displayed within the marquee.

This is what the marquee looks like. A marquee is another word for scrolling text. I have given this one a yellow background and have set the text to bold.

Add a dropdown navigation menu bar to your blog

Monday, April 30, 2012  at 11:41 AM 0 comments
This has to be the best navigation menu bar for it's simplicity, easiness of use and editing, and for the fact the dropdown menu list do not go underneath objects that is underneath the navigation menu bar.

The navigation menu bar is not complicated. You do not need to add .js file codes to your blog. What's more, it is not complicated to add it to your blog.

There are two lots of code you have to add to your blog's template. The first part of the code (the css code) is added somewhere before the ]]></b:skin>
I prefer to place mine above the header css code - if I place the actual dropdown navigation menu bar above the Header.

DO NOT CLICK ON "EXPAND TEMPLATE" FOR THIS TUTORIAL. Copy and paste the css code below to somewhere before the code ]]></b:skin>

/*-- (Menu Nav LABEL) --*/
background: url(;
border-bottom:1px solid #1994E6;
margin:5px auto 10px;
padding:4px 10px 4px 4px;
#nav-menu-label ul{float:left;
margin:0 10px; padding:10px;
#nav-menu-label li{
margin:0 auto; padding:0px
#nav-menu-label li a, #nav-menu-label li a:link, #nav-menu-label li a:visited{
text-decoration: none;
margin:-2px 0 0 0;
border-right:1px solid #444444;
padding:2px 7px 5px 7px;
#nav-menu-label li a:hover, #nav-menu-label li a:active{
margin:-2px 0 0 0;
padding:2px 7px 5px 7px;
text-transformation: bold;
#nav-menu-label li li a, #nav-menu-label li li a:link, #nav-menu-label li li a:visited{background:#000; width:130px; color:#00ff00; font-size:12px; font-family: arial,Times New Roman; font-weight:bold; text-transform:normal; float:none; margin:0px; padding:4px 10px 4px 10px; border-bottom:1px solid #1994E6;}
#nav-menu-label li li a:hover, #nav-menu-label li li a:active{background:#333333; border-bottom:1px solid #1994E6; color:#00ff00; font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;padding:4px 10px 4px 10px}
#nav-menu-label li{float:left; padding:0px}
#nav-menu-label li ul{z-index:999; position:absolute; left:-999em; height:auto; width:100px; margin:0px; padding:0px}
#nav-menu-label li li{}
#nav-menu-label li ul a{width:100px}
#nav-menu-label li ul a:hover, #nav-menu-label li ul a:active{}
#nav-menu-label li ul ul{margin:-31px 0 0 100px}
#nav-menu-label li:hover ul ul, #nav-menu-label li:hover ul ul ul, #nav-menu-label li.sfhover ul ul, #nav-menu-label li.sfhover ul ul ul{left:-999em}
#nav-menu-label li:hover ul, #nav-menu-label li li:hover ul, #nav-menu-label li li li:hover ul, #nav-menu-label li.sfhover ul, #nav-menu-label li li.sfhover ul, #nav-menu-label li li li.sfhover ul{left:auto}
#nav-menu-label li:hover, #nav-menu-label li.sfhover{position:static}

Onto the other lot of code. I'm not sure if it Javascript or HTML code, actually! Anyway, next thing you do is locate on your blog the exact location where you want to place the dropdown navigation menu bar. Preview your template and ask yourself where you want the dropdown menu bar to be displayed. Okay, close the preview page down and in the template code itself locate the area directly below where you wanted to place it. For example, if you want to add the dropdown menu bar directly above your header, then locate the code for the header. You have to scroll down passed all the css code to locate it. Normally the header code is right below the <body> code but every template differs so you need to locate your template's version of <body>.

The second lot of code is placed where you want it to be displayed, in this example, directly above the code for the header, or somewhere within the opening and closing body tags <body></body>. Below is the second lot of code to add to your template:

<div class='mta_bar bar-menu-label'>
<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
<ul id='nav-menu-label'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Settings</a>
<li><a href=''>Edit Profile</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Edit Template</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>New Post</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Design</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Tools</a>
<li><a href='#'>Activity</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Blogs</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Bookmarks</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Friends</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Gallery</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Info</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Notes</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Notices</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Pages</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Photos</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Videos</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News</a>
<li><a href='#'>News 1</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 2</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 3</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 4</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 5</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 6</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 7</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 8</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 9</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>News 10</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Resources</a>
<li><a href='#'>Blogger Help</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Templates</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>UFO templates</a></li>
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Once you have copied and pasted the codes into your template, preview it. Does the navigation menu bar display at all? Is it in the right location? If it does not display at all then you have a minor problem. Check to see where you added the code and remove it from that location. Just highlight it and select "cut". The second lot of code must be placed by itself, therefore, it should be placed after any closing divs for the section above the header (if any). If you have nothing above your header, in the template, then make sure it is placed just after the "outer wrapper" id, which will look something like this:

<div id='outer-wrapper'>

If that still does not work, then highlight and cut the second lot of code, then save your template. Once saved, click on the "Expand template" option. Scroll down to where the same section is again, to find the header code (HTML/Javascript? code). Now, right at the top of the header code will be something like this:

<div id='wrap'>
  <div id='header-wrapper'>
<div class='header'>
      <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

Your code will look different to this one. Paste the entire second lot of code directly above the <b:section class='header' line of code.

For example:

<div id='wrap'>
  <div id='header-wrapper'>
<div class='header'>
All the second lot of code goes here.
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

Click on "Preview template" to see if it will display/load the page. Does it? If yes, save the template. If you get an error "The template could not be parsed .... because of whatever problem... usually about "body" and it needs to be closed, do this:

At the very bottom of the second lot of code are two closing divs


Cut one of the closing divs and preview the template. If the page loads, save the template. If the problems persists, paste the cut </div> at the bottom of the header code. The header code will have it's own closing divs. Paste the cut </div> after the header's closing divs, then preview the template. If it still won't load the page, repeat the process with the remainding dropdown navigation menu bar's closing div. Cut it and paste it at the bottom of the header's closing divs. Preview the template. This time it should load the page and you can preview it. If it still does not display, delete one of the closing divs </div> from the bottom of the header's code (where all the closing divs are). Preview the template and this time it will display.Once you got the Preview template page displayed, close it down and save the template.

Usually, by deleting one of the closing divs </div> to the dropdown navigation menu, the "Preview template" loads, and the "template could not be parsed" problem goes away. USUALLY!

Anyway, now you can go ahead and start editing the links to your new dropdown menu. I've provided a link for a live demo of this dropdown menu, but this tutorial has been altered slightly from the original live-demo version. This tutorial example does not contain the image on the left; the search bar; nor the live time/date function on the far right. Nor does it have a transparency over the dropdown menus, which is visible when using the Internet Explorer web browser. I have added an additional dropdown menu list to the tutorial example. Everything else is exactly the same. It's the one at the very top of the live-demo blog.

Scrollbox codes

<a target='_blank' title='DON'T TOUCH MY PHONE' href='ADDYOURURLHERE'><img src='' border='0'/></a>

This free script provided by
JavaScript Kit


YOUR OPINION COUNTS! A list of topics that I am thinking of writing about but need feedback from visitors before I go ahead with it.

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This site consists of tutorials that you would not normally see elsewhere. I am adding tutorials that I have either tweeked or created myself, using existing code already found on the Internet.

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