This is really a great idea if you don't want to clutter up your blog with RSS feeds in your sidebar. You can actually create a new post or a static page, and add all your RSS feeds to it in iframes. The code for adding the RSS Feeds iframe to a blog post is below.
<iframe frameborder="0" height="350" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="yes" src="" width="600"></iframe>
You paste the code into the "Edit HTML" section of your post. Simply change my url in red to the one you want to display and change the width of the iframe to match that of your own post's width (and height to suit your own taste). It couldn't be any simpler!
Of course, you can add various combinations of the above to your comment as long as you place the ending tags in the right locations.
To change your text to bold simply type in a left facing arrow then a UPPERCASE letter b then a right facing arrow. Then add your text, followed by typing in a left facing arrow, then type in /B and then a right facing arrow.
To change your text to italics simply type in a left facing arrow then a lowercase letter i then a right facing arrow. Then add your text, followed by typing in a left facing arrow, then type in /i and then a right facing arrow.
To change the colour of your text type in [co="red"]Add your text here[/co] You can change the colour of the text by either typing in the colour's word or by adding a hex colour code that includes the hash symbol.
To add a marquee text type in [ma]Add your text here[/ma]
To add an image or gif type in [im]Add your image or gif URL here[/im]
Of course, you can add various combinations of the above to your comment as long as you place the ending tags in the right locations.
To add a Youtube video as a comment use either one of the two codes below and replace the video url with the one you want to add as a comment.